Scam Alerts

Below is a list of scams that we report on as they happen. The benefit of this list is to warn consumers about scams as they happen, since scammers target numerous victims before changing their tactics. Also, check out the tab titled “Scam Database” to see a list of known scams and scammers presented in alphabetical order.

Scam Alert List

Timeshare Con-man Impersonates Lawyer & Key to Vacation Club

First Properties of New York is Running a Timeshare Scam

World Timeshare Exchange Tries to Scam A Victim using our Closing Company! Steals our Digital Identity – Online Timeshare Scam Alert!   

Is Joseph Manning at it Again? Timeshare Scam Artist Alert! 

Superior Resales Services of Fort Wayne, Indiana Will Take Your Money and Run!

Canadian Couple Receives Phony Offer for Grand Mayan

Mexican Timeshare Scam – Bay View Property Management and Escrow One Strike Again

Another Joseph Manning Scam attempt stopped by Timeshare Specialists before it was too late.

Timeshare Specialists Saves Elderly Man from Mexican Timeshare Scam

This Scam Tempts Timeshare Owners with Unbelievable Prices – Phone Scams

Tell Mel: Timeshare hotline helps to discover if the offer is legit or a scam?

One Timeshare Agent Two Scams – Timeshare Scam Alert Washington

Owner Becomes Target of Scam While Vacationing at Timeshare – Decolar . Com Scam 

Joseph Manning Poses as Hearing Impaired Timeshare Buyer – Online Scam Alert

Scammers posing as recovery specialists use Resort Closings Inc. name –  Largo, FL

St. Louis Area Con Artists Targeting Timeshare Owners – BBB Warns Missouri Timeshare Owners

Timeshare Wire Fraud Alert – Timeshare Scam Hotline Tip

Timeshare Scam in Alabama – Pinebroke Resorts